News im Bereich Operette


AALTO THEATER ESSEN 2024/25 Judith Spießer will perform as Queen of the Night in a new production of Magicflute in the new Season 2024/25 at Aalto Theater Essen. Conductor: Christopher Moulds Scene: Magdalena Fuchsberger Premiere: Sept´2024   Foto: Peter Wieler

Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz

2020–2022 Judith Spießer was a fix member of Gärtnerplatztheater Ensemble from saison 2020-2022  and seen in the roles as Pamina (Magicflute), Julia de Veert (Vetter aus Dingsda), Yvonne (Jonny spielt auf) und Antonia (Tales of Hoffmann). For season 2023 she returns as a guest as Pamina in `Die Zauberflöte´.